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Installing Advanced Guestbook---Helping a Novice  XML
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I saw the Advanced Guestbook being used at a favorite website and followed the links to this site. I love the clean design and the functionality of the guestbook---so I wanted to load it to my fledgeling website (under construction).

My website is a learning experience for me---but installing this wonderful guestbook has stymied me. I have downloaded the PHP zip, read all of the posts in the forum, tried to follow the directions in the readme file, but I feel like a complete idiot. I'll admit that I'm still learning all of the features of my DreamWeaver MX 2004 software, but I've mastered a lot of things with it, so far.

Can anyone tell me how to upload/install the guestbook onto my website using DreamWeaver? From skimming your forum posts, I know that your skills are way beyond my own---but please pity a poor novice and share your expertise.

Joined: 11/01/2004 01:36:46
Messages: 2

Whoops! I forgot to log in when I posted the help request for installing the Advanced Guestbook.


Joined: 04/12/2003 16:49:52
Messages: 27

hey find the config file edit that and then upload all files to your web server "keep directory structure" for this you can use any ftp software exa:cute ftp once you upload the all files to your server run the installation and follow the screen.


Joined: 11/01/2004 01:36:46
Messages: 2

Thank you so much for the directions. There was probabaly a simpler way to do it, but I loaded each individual file as you suggested. When I ran the "Create Tables" everything went just fine.

The link under my successful creation of tables that read:

"Click now here to setup the guestbook admin... "

was dead. I went back to double-check that I had maintained the files and file structures---and I had.

Any suggestions? It took me about 8 hours to get this far and I just don't want to give up.



Did you had any luck setting it up ?

Joined: 04/12/2003 16:49:52
Messages: 27

when you got the message "Click now here to setup the guestbook admin... " then before you click it delete the install.php file and then try it if it still not working close this window and enter your url in a new window exa http://www.your.com/your gbook dir/admin/index.php and press enter hope you will get your admin pages.
note"your gbook dir is your directory where you put the guest book"


Hi there,

Im in the same situation as Adage, I have a new website and want to create aGB.

Im okay with ftping the files across to my server, is the root I presume.

but when you refer to the Create User Tables I get confused on what to do. Is this some sort of program.exe that you run to create the tables?

install.php can you double click on this or do you need a special program.

One other thing regarding the config.inc.php file:

$GB_DB["dbName"] = ""; This I can make up say Guestbook??
$GB_DB["host"] = "localhost"; can I leave this or is it my domain name
$GB_DB["user"] = "root"; is this the admin user for the site?
$GB_DB["pass"] = ""; is this the admin password for the site?

are these the only four line I need to Edit?

guys if you can help youll save me some money getting a developer to do it!!


by the way its for www.jesmonddenehotel.com


Joined: 04/12/2003 16:49:52
Messages: 27

I think your pbm will solve here

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