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Messages posted by: jimbo
Forum Index » Profile for jimbo » Messages posted by jimbo
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I was very frustrated like yourself, with unwanted comments added to the ends of peoples' proper guestbook entries.

Texas Holdem and 24-hour-money loan crap was relentessly populating my guestbook pages.

Here is my solution (I'm using 2.3.2 of Advanced Guest Book):

1.) I went to my stats package for the site I'm the webmaster for and I looked at the REFERRING URL REPORT, which shows how people access any part of the the site.
2.) I noticed http://www.MYSITENAME.com/guestbook/comment.php?gb_id=33 along with other similar ones. When I tested that link, it became clear that that's how they were doing it.
3.) I then went into ADMINISTRATION of the guestbook and I did the following:
3A: I turned ON PASSWORD PROTECTION FOR COMMENT - and put in a different PASSWORD (don't leave the password COMMENT!)
3B: I changed the maximum length of a comment/guestbook entry, from 1,500 to 150.
3C: I changed the FLOOD TIME to 180 seconds. Which I think means that someone has to wait 3 minutes in between each addition.

So far, no surprises with unwanted entries. Although, if they do it again, I will just go back to my URL SITE REFERRAL REPORT in my stat package and see what they used to access the program. (They don't go in the front door.) I had been under the delusion that it was some fancy SQL-injection trick. And it wasn't. They were simply using the program, albeit, through specific commands that I could control through ADMINISTRATION.

Doing these things, means I get to keep using the AGB 2.3.1, which I like.

I hope you get to keep using yours, too.
Forum Index » Profile for jimbo » Messages posted by jimbo
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