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I've not worked with the guestbook for years but even the latest version is over a decade old so I'm guessing PHP 7.1 has removed some old functions that AG uses.
Lazarus is pretty much abandoned as I don't have the time but I can probably take a look at this. Can you post exactly what the original message says.
There was an issue with my server. It works now.
Use what I posted above
You changed it from a local path to a remote path. The correct setting is /home/mohanjadhav50/public_html/
Probably never since there hasn't been one in over a decade.
Was it showing before?
My bad I was thinking we were talking about the guestbook for a while. Guess the charset for the admin pages needs changing as well.
Thanks I will leave it here for others.
You do seem to have some extra lines in yours though that are not in the current version as can be seen at
Just have a look at english.php in lang folder and change the bits after the = signs
Hmm there is a field in admin called table width but that is set to 170 by default but have a look there.
The option is there but without installing AP or having access to the admin of one I cannot say what the option is called.
Pretty self explanatory.
Locking timeout = how long until an ip can vote again.
enable/disable = enable/disable poll
Just look at the code on th eleft
1 - May need to reinstall. Does the default username and password work?
2 - You set the question and answers in the admin.
3 - You place the include at the start of the page then just place the code for each poll where you want it.