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Advanced Poll: Doesn't show when embedded  XML
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Joined: 23/05/2005 08:40:33
Messages: 7

Hello, all! I've read loads of posts and ran a couple searches, but found nothing relating to the problem I'm having with Advanced Poll.

I'm not totally new to PHP, but I'm still learning. I do know that I'm trying to include my poll in a .php page, that my include syntax and placement are correct, and that the admin panel runs just fine (although I did have to do some hard refreshes to make it reflect changes I made in the config).

When I attempt to view my poll on my site, though, the space where the poll should be is empty:
(Poll box is at bottom of left-side menu -- and it's just a tiny site for me and my friends, so please don't play with the working resources! :roll

I'm positive that I've done everything correctly. Is there something I haven't thought of? (For instance, does Advanced Poll require register_globals to be off?)

Thanks in advance.

Joined: 23/05/2005 08:40:33
Messages: 7

If anyone needs any more information about the problem or my server, please just ask...I'd love to get this thing up and running without abandoning it for another poll script.

Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
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Location: Bristol, UK

One for Auron I think.

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

get Lazarus
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Joined: 23/05/2005 08:40:33
Messages: 7

*waves to Auron*

Whenever you get a minute, although the sooner I can get this issue fixed, the happier I'll be! LOL

Joined: 23/06/2003 22:02:17
Messages: 1053

Check that you've uploaded all the files again.

Visit my site @ www.ragnaru.com
Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought)
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Joined: 23/05/2005 08:40:33
Messages: 7

I double-checked, and yes, all the files are there.

After a bit of tinkering, I've discovered that
1. The demo polls all work and display fine.
2. The demo polls all have comments enabled.
3. After disabling comments on the demo polls, they are no longer visible on the site's main page!

Difference between default "demo" #1, comments enabled:

...And the comments-disabled version:

Yvria[+]ordo-iniquitas@lunaclick.net[+]http://ordo-iniquitas.lunaclick.net is my character's name, the website email address, and the website URL. I notice they're replaced the final "1" at the end of the first line. Could this be what's causing the problem?

I ran a search through the /poll files in my website folder locally, and could find no instances of "Yvria" or "ordo-iniquitas." I also checked the config.inc.php, just in case, and they're not in there, either.

Curiouser and curiouser...

Joined: 23/06/2003 22:02:17
Messages: 1053

Odd, are you using the db or txt file version?

Try re-uploading all the files back up.
For the config file just copy the details out and then re-upload that as well.

Visit my site @ www.ragnaru.com
Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought)
[Email] [WWW]

Joined: 23/05/2005 08:40:33
Messages: 7

Sorry, I should have mentioned that in my first post. I'm using the text-file version.

I reuploaded everything but the /image folder, and I'm getting the same result. I'm also noticing that when I untick the "comments" box when I edit one of the demo polls, I'm unable to turn comments back on and have that setting "stick." When I view the poll's properties again, and Ctrl+F5 to get the correct version of the page (which seems to need to happen anytime I make changes to anything), the box remains unticked.

I can use the DB version if I need to...just wanted to see if I could get the text-file version to work for me first.
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