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Cannot add entry to guestbook  XML
Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum
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Joined: 13/01/2006 03:48:35
Messages: 4

Hi, I hope you're out there Carbonize.

I just had my guestbook moved to a new host. I had to modify the config.inc.php file only to reflect a slight change in my database file. Now I can view the guestbook, I can log in to admin the guesbook.

The trouble is, no one can add an entry to the guestbook. You fill out the form, do the image verification thingy, hit submit, and it just clears the form and starts you over.

Any ideas on where to start? I'll help out any way I can!



Joined: 13/01/2006 03:48:35
Messages: 4

Oh, and my new host DOES have GD support enabled...

AND...I see this if you highlight the top left corner:

The Image Verication code you supplied is incorrect.
Please enter the 8 characters that appear in the image.

Your image verification thingy was working fine with my other host, and so far everything else is good. Any ideas?

Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

Personally I say remove the inage verification by replacing all the guestbook files except config.inc.php then try the human verification method.

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

get Lazarus
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Joined: 13/01/2006 03:48:35
Messages: 4

Thanks for that reply Carbonize. You've helped me a lot in the past.

I don't understand what is broken. All files were copied over to the new server. Everything worked properly on the old server.

Do I understand correctly that all current guestbook entries are stored in the database files? Just wondering, I wanted to make sure that I don't mess them up.

I'm using 2.3.2, maybe now is a good time to upgrade?

Joined: 13/01/2006 03:48:35
Messages: 4

Heh, I just installed your Lazarus guestbook and converted my Advanced Guestbook over.

It works fine!

However, I noticed there is no verification to this. Is that ok?

Joined: 08/05/2004 21:52:50
Messages: 529
Location: Arkansas

There are 3 layers of antispam protection in Lazarus built in i believe. If you go to his site there is information there.

LINK-> Use Lazarus Guestbook
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Joined: 12/06/2003 19:26:08
Messages: 4292
Location: Bristol, UK

Three layers yes. Or could be classed as four.

1 - The submit button's name is slightly different on every version of Lazarus.

2 - There is a time delay before it will let a guest submit their entry (optional)

3 - There is a time limit for the guest to submit their entry in (optional)

4 - Human verification where the guest has to answer a question before their post is accepted (optional)

Five if you include the ability to require posts to be approved before they appear in the guestbook.

I am not the maker of the Advanced Guestbook

get Lazarus
[Email] [WWW] [Yahoo!] aim icon [MSN] [ICQ]
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