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Guestbook hacked.  XML
Forum Index » Support Forum
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Tsubomi Koneko

Joined: 27/12/2003 05:28:06
Messages: 5

I'm guessing this has happened to a lot of people due to all the systems that have been hacked by this person/group recently...

Anyway, how do I fix my guestbook so the stupif hacker's message doesn't show up on it anymore?

what is the message?
Tsubomi Koneko

Joined: 27/12/2003 05:28:06
Messages: 5

-.- You mean it isn't on yours? I would think it's on everyone's guestbook since the person who hacked into the things to do it changed all or most of them. (And did so on other servers as well.) Besides it doesn't matter what the message is, I want to know how to change it.

if you don't tell us what was changed, we can tell you how to fix it. I think that most people probably have pretty good security on their sites. If there is a security hole on the guestbook, then share with us what was done to it. this will allow us to look into it, and tell you how to fix it
Tsubomi Koneko

Joined: 27/12/2003 05:28:06
Messages: 5

Well it was obviously the front page that was changed somehow, I don't know where or how in the control panel for it to fix it though.


Joined: 07/01/2003 17:31:39
Messages: 166
Location: Netherlands

You can't fix it in the control panel.
They have replaced your index.php file, just upload a new one.
Maybe it's also better to upgrade to version 2.3.1 I don't know if 2.2 has a security problem.



Only the man who's truly educated
understands that he knows very little...

Tsubomi Koneko

Joined: 27/12/2003 05:28:06
Messages: 5

I don't know how to upload a new index.php file for that thing. I don't know where I'd get one. Because if I upload a blank one, it would be blank.

And I don't think I can upgrade since it's a cgi script I'm running through the cpanel on my website.

Joined: 07/01/2003 17:31:39
Messages: 166
Location: Netherlands

The guestbook that you're running is the php version (version 2.2)

You can find a new index file here:

New index.php

If I'm correct this should be the same as version 2.2, but it's better when you upgrade to version 2.3.1

ps. Nice site



Only the man who's truly educated
understands that he knows very little...

Tsubomi Koneko

Joined: 27/12/2003 05:28:06
Messages: 5

That link doesn't seem to work. I'm just going to delete it if I can figure out how and make another one. ~.~ I didn't wanna have to do that cause the entries that were in it though.

Thanks for the help.

Joined: 07/01/2003 17:31:39
Messages: 166
Location: Netherlands

The entry's aren't lost because they are stored in the database.

Here is the code for a new one:

Ps. I made an typo in the link forget the dot in the domain name.
It should work now, but you can just copy and paste the above code.



Only the man who's truly educated
understands that he knows very little...

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