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Messages posted by: mrs2345
Forum Index » Profile for mrs2345 » Messages posted by mrs2345
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Wow, I did not get any help! What I have to do to get help? I got my guestbook back the way it was I think what happened when I was missing around with it that day it did not shut down properly that was the computer says then when I click on it again it was there.

My question now is if I download, a completely new guestbook was that going to be the new 2.41, or the 3.21 how can I tell that that is still the 3.21 anyone knows?

I would really appreciate your help. Mera
I need help please! A while back, I download the AG 2.41 and so I have booth in my server my current 2.31 that was running and the one I was going to update. Yesterday I had time and was missing around with it trying to update the 2.41 config.inc.php from my old 2.31 config.inc.php but did not finish updating and just saved the file and close. Today I checked on my old Guestbook just to see how many spam and it was gone.
Whenever I click on it says
MySQL Error: Connection Error
Error Number: 2013 lost connection to MySQL server during query

I went to check on my server and want to just delete the update and put my old Guestbook the way it is but won’t let me delete anything or edit. It says System Error Please Try Again.

Thanks, Mera
Copied the old config.inc.php to the new one, up load everything and then run the update on misc folder.

what is this message about?

<b><font size=4 face=Arial>Connection Error</font></b><hr><pre>MySQL Error : Connection Error
Error Number: 2002 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (46)

any help please, thanks.
I’m new to this so sorry if I have too many questions.

I download the guestbook already and it is on my hard drive. What I would like to know is how to up load it to the server the easy way.

I’m using FTP and when I get to the file I have to open each one and would have to up load it one or two file at the time, Is there a secret to just up load the whole folder to the server that I don’t know about or this is the only way to do it? Any help please I would appreciate it.
What can you do with the Ip’s and domain names other than blocking them? Is there a place here to report these people?
Hi Carbonize, I have block the ip's but it comes back with different ip's ecah time.
Hi, did you resolve your spam problem with password protect? I am getting spam by Rulez700 and actually trace one Ip's and a domain name when I went to DSN Tools but I don’t know what to do with it.

Maybe can someone help please, thanks.
Forum Index » Profile for mrs2345 » Messages posted by mrs2345
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