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that might only account for 1% of all spammers, because that method is so time consumming...........however, I did change some key words in guestbook... because if you do a key word search for certain things that are relevant to advanced guestbook, it shows hundreds of them in google.....I changed most of these key makes it much harder for the human spammer to find my guestbook now if they do a google search or something... If he is a repeat customer.....I simply ban them through htaccess at the root level.
One other thing I did was also add a custom field.......which you can actually add as many as you want, once you know how
have not been around though much lately...........I am in Afghanistan lol
You will have to add the entry in your htaccess as 212.98
that will ban his entire ISP. He has a dynamic IP address, and blocking the actual referring site will not help.
Don't worry, it is an ISP from Beirut, Lebanon. I don't think too many people are concerned about Lebanese visiting your website.
two other things to consider, which is what I have done, is to change the action method of gb_action to a customized method of either just action or gb_actionmethod. That will cause him to have to rewright his script just to suit your site (won't happen) or to add a human verification system.
I did all three, and also added a bot block, and added a spam trap, and encryted the email addreses.
very very effective. No problems since
Excellant Forum for those that want Mods, and answers to your guestbook problems.
good job Spor
I would just upload another copy of panel_edit.php It seems that someone has tried to make sure that you could not edit the entries.
the only other thing that I can think of is that someone had set that copy of the admin like that, so it could be ran in a demo mode.
strip the header and footer.php template files, with the exception of the javascript.
open up index.php, addentry.php and comment.php and place your code like this.
you will place your footer include below the code
do the same to addentry.php and comment.php
after you do this, you will have to edit lib/comment.class.php
near line 272 you will have to edit it like this.
you need to do that, or when someone posts a comment to an entry, the script will complain about headers already sent.
dump your guestbook and your database sql, and just upload the files again. place the database info in the config file, and then send me the link via email or contact me through my contact page. I will install it and see what is going on. This is the best that I can offer you, since it is hard to see the whole picture without actually installing it myself.
that is up to you.
why don't you test my test guestbook and see what the message is when you get thanked for signing
here is the link
good luck, it isn't going to happen unless you re-write the entire guestbook
I don't no what your talking about. I just tried that on my test guestbook, and had the admin send the guest a 1456 character email. It filled the entire page of my email.
You must not have followed the directions.
The message above told you to MODIFY THE DATABASE AND NOT THE SCRIPT
you will modify the database field "notify_mes" to type "TEXT" NOT NULL default
It might help if you have php installed or configuered on your server. In your case you don't
just a simple check of
tells me there is no php support on your server
either find another host, or ask your host to provide php support
Hi, that is an easy fix for you.
You must go into the MYSQL database and go to "book_config" and then edit "notify_mes" which has a value of "varchar(150)" and change the 150 to what ever character value you wish. If you have a message that is say 600 chars long, then change to 600
good luck
The Solution has been posted in this forum before. Please read posts and perform searches on topics.
Here is what you have to do:
1.) open /guestbook/lib/gb.class.php in your favorite ascii editor
and look for the Jumpmenu code. It starts around line 73
Replace with your homepage URL
2.) Now add a javascript function to the guestbook header
Search for the file header.php and add this
<script language="Javascript">
function urlJump(target,selObj) {
var optionValue = selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value;
var isURL = /http:/;
var regMatch = isURL.test(optionValue);
if(regMatch == true) {
// -->
<body bgcolor="$VARS[pbgcolor]" link="$VARS[link_color]" vlink="$VARS[link_color]">
It works, I have tried it. for the other links though, you will not be using the "Go" button, as it is an auto-jump select type
I don't use it on my site, because I don't need it. I have the menu on the left for navigation
go into phpmyadmin or whatever your database managment script is, and save the database. you can export everything and it will save it to a txt file. If you don't have access, ask your host for it.
I think that you might actually be getting the email, but it might be going to a catch all email account. What is the default catch all email account for the domain. See if you can log into that and see if the email is going there.
doesn't make sence if your visitor is getting the email and your not. also, make sure that that you aren't using root@localhost (you never know)
another thing could be that there is some sort of spam filter blocking it to your admin, or webmaster email.......just another thought.
Obviously the guestbook is using the correct path to /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
otherwise no one would get an email.
it is kind of strange........but there is an answer out there somewhere