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Try placeing this in the head of all your files on your site
that should be the ISO Charset for greek
hope that helps
Advise: Delete Microshaft Frontpage off of your machine. Anytime you edit anything with that, it will strip out all the proper html code and replace it with propriety MS code, tables that are done in percentage get redone with absolute dimensions, and everything else gets screwed up. Use this crapware as a last resort. You should either use Crimson editor from (free) or something like dreamweaver or whatever.
go to templates folder, open entry.php
Then you will see text called $row[email[. Just replace this by $EMAIL.
Thats all you are done
The picture or the ASCII? I have the ASCII working on my guestbook now. Just view the source of the guestbook and look for the emails. I tested it against Atomic Harvester III Spam Spider engine.... Guestbook won, Spam Spider lost.
For some reason you have some sort of meta refresh action going on. It transfered me to the root directory of the guestbook.
Look for the Meta tag refresh and get rid of it.
Considering your post was very well phrased, you English is good.
There fore you could write your own. Just take the english.php file and covert it to greek. Very easily done. As for me, well, Greek is all Greek to me
Well, what you can do is edit the config file manually.
This file is in the include directory and is called
Edit the first line to /poll
Edit the second line to /poll/image
That should fix it.
My Guestbook is now Spam proof! My email addresses output in Raw ASCII.
If you don't know what I am talking about, view the source of the page, and look for the email addresses. I tested it against Atomic Harvester III
Atomic Harvester could not extract a single email from the guestbook. Also I now have the Yahoo instant mesenger field.
Had hook me up, as I got fed up waiting on the author of this guestbook to add these much needed features. Price was really cheap too.
Guestbook is at
After surfing your directorys, I found that image at
You need to change the paths to reflect the correct url
sounds like to me that you should read some of the posts on this forum. It has already been answered
Get a Real Webhost. Geocities will not allow you to run anything but static html.
bumping it, as I added addtional comments to the reply above
did you place your includes around the admin file?
For the admin file, you have to hard code it in the templates within admin.
modify the template file adminentry.php(I think that is the one)
as for the comment.php file. I tried it on my site and got the same error.
for the fix, I had to edit comment.class.php at line 154 where it says and replace it with
It is not how I would like it, but it works. I am going to try and do a better fix for this
Yeah, it was kind of funny. Right after I posted that message, I remembered that you could disable javascript through IE....that is definetly the way to go.
You should have access to your server access logs, you might want to ask your host where they are at if you can't find them. My site uses compression for them. 1 meg = about 30meg file. other hosts that I have used do not.........just depends
if it is advanced guestbook, do it manually from the mysql database through phpmyadmin
just delete the table.
my advise is to turn html off since you must have it turned on if someone can paste javascript.
don't you read through any of the posts on this site. Here is the link to a post that is only 2 messages down.
It appears to also be an address that begins "nobody@". Unfortunately (although perhaps not) I deleted the e-mail that alerted me to the fact that someone had sighed my guestbook
Read your access logs, it will tell you who posted it by IP address and ISP