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Yes, that would be actually pretty easy.
It would involve adding new feilds in the database, and modification to almost all the files.
I added MSN and Yahoo to mine. the phone number and age would be a little more easier to add than the messengers, because they are just static and would be called like this
I now have ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, and MSN working on my guestbook all with the anti spam feature for email addresess. Yahoo and MSN are also intergrated into the admin, so I can turn them on and off just like AIM and ICQ
Let me tell you, the MSN field was really tough to get working. The part that was hard was the auto launch for the message window. But I finally cracked it.
If you want to see it in action, you can post on my test book at
do not post on my main guestbook
If anyone is interested, I might be willing to tell you how to add the MSN field. But it is a lenghty mod, there are about 7 or 8 files to modify, as well as the database, the creation of two new files, and a couple of templates to modify as well
I now have ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, and MSN working on my guestbook all with the anti spam feature for email addresess. Yahoo and MSN are also intergrated into the admin, so I can turn them on and off just like AIM and ICQ
Let me tell you, the MSN field was really tough to get working. The part that was hard was the auto launch for the message window. But I finally cracked it.
If you want to see it in action, you can post on my test book at
do not post on my main guestbook
anything that you enter in the adentry form must have a database field for it to be written to. So if you do not have the database field it will never add it.
as far as your other question. It is easy.
You will edit /templates/entry.php
you can see by this code from entry.php that it is easy to edit
and below is the modified code to do what you were talking about
this is from my guestbook which is modified for the yahoo instant messenger field and left table size change and anti spam feature......should match up......most of it.
sounds like the permissions on that file are not at least 644. check your permissions
FREE SITES........offer nothing but static html output (except a couple of them, and then if they do and you get more traffic than what they care for, your site will be put in the recycle bin)
You certainly won't be offered phpmyadmin, or php or anything else.
If you want the trimmings, you have to usually pay for them.....
it sux, but that is how it is.
I have the Yahoo instant messenger field working. I also have the anti spam feature working (email addresses converted to raw ASCII in source code) I added the MSN field, and got it to work, but am having a few problems with having all four fields working together. It seems that ICQ, AIM, and YIM work, or I can have ICQ, AIM, and MSN to work......but not all four of them.
The tricky part was figureing out the auto launch code for MSN, as it is not really advertised anywhere on the web.
This is code for MSN auto launch that does work successfully
as you can see, it is quite a heavy peice of code to tie up into html output.
there must be something lighter than this, but have not found it.
That is a good point. I have thought of doing that before as well. I will try and take a look at it and see what I can figure out.
at the bottom of the file around line 135
Is this the calendar that you are talking about
if so, download the calendar code, and my file (ct.php) in a zip.
what do you mean? It outputs its own html.
do you mean, you want it to intergrate into the website theme
Actually IFrame is not the way to go. (my opion) on my site I used php includes and then wrapped them around the index.php, addentry.php and comment.php files. I then stripped the admin templates clean of any html. The php includes are the site template and is global throughout the entire site. With three files, I can update the entire site. Also I placed an anti spam feature in the guestbook that now converts all emails into RAW ASCII (view the source of the guestbook and look for the emails...they are just numbers) and then added the much needed Yahoo instant messenger field.
IFrame is okay, but if you want a truly intergrated guestbook, this is not the way to go..... just my opion
It is in the MYSQL database, surely you should know that. You would have had to set the database up to get the guestbook installed.
You know that that is BS. Yes we are frustrated guestbook users, but I have answered a lot of questions. even though I am as clueless as the next.
use that and it will work
I asume that this is an NT server